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Smart Tags

The Best Lost & Found


Have you ever thought about why you write your private information on your bag tag? Or why you write your home address on your luggage when you are away from home?

This is never advisable and can compromise the security of your property. Koolkrewdigital allows you to securely share the right information at the right time. If you did lose your bag, you need only share the information you believe will increase the chances of finding your bag, such as your phone number, email or a reward. It is all controlled by you from our free mobile App.



Activating a tag takes less than a minute....reporting a lost bag is even faster! The 'finder' doesn’t need to enter a location or dial an international number or even have an app to contact you. The finder can simply tap the NFC (Near Field Communication) chip on the tag with the NFC reader on their phone, Alternatively, they can scan the QR (Quick Reader) code on the tag with the QR reader on their phone. This will allow the finder to report back to you, with only one click, the location of the bag.....even if it’s in-doors. You will receive an SMS message to your phone number and email sent to an email address of your choice.


It just works

As our premium tags are equipped with NFC chips and QR codes, they don’t require batteries and they always work.

We use the phone’s built in GPS and cellular network to capture bag’s location and send the information to you, the bag owner.

If you lose your bag at an airport, you also have the additional benefit of an individual 'WorldTracer' number on your tag. This means that your bag is connected to the SITA WorldTracer system which is the method by which airlines, airports and other major transport hubs use to trace lost baggage.


Introducing: Bag Profiles

Many people take a picture of their bags and send it to themselves via email, for insurance and security reasons. Koolkrewdigital has introduced the 'Bag Profiles' facility allowing you to easily take a picture of the bag and add it to your profile. This and other information is conveniently accessed and can be changed at any time by yourself via the App.

Watch video here: Smart Tag Video